•Download image of Promi Block User Digital PB Card! 

Here up top or,


To be directed to were you

 can view Promi Bots and

 message for what it 

all have to be 

fundamental and at hand!

Also ask when emailing


with you're downloaded 

Promi Block Digital User Card to

notify of Promi content, items, Cereally

wanted along with Promi Bot on

Digital User Card!

Tap the Promi Bot with a PB Digital User card to be directed to PB page that has everyone's Promi Bots customized!


•After requesting for

 customized Promi Cereally Bot, 

Promi Cereally Bot on PB Digital 

User Card will also 

change to Bot customized.

(Name will be labled above custom Bot appendage)
Customized Bot is  a option were it is enabled!
 •Name appear above 
after contacting
with downloaded PB
Digital User Card
also other custom details 
of Bot after contacting
with request.

Process through the next thought with a process!

In-Bot notifications!

Notifications will be provided

by the Promi Cloud's Promi 

Notification Platter!

•syboled/cloud above platter

•with notification

•In area under cloud area

•when lid of platter is not present

•Promiicon PromiTrade

Receive info on different 

things while viewing, that you think

 maybe good! Something 

that get the gears ticking!

Also see updates, featured content

also more used and distributed features!

Selection will also have Promi Bot name labled to it!

1.Cereally seen and suggested!

2.When selected, user is directed to selection of variable Promi!

3.Matches what you want featured along with your Promi Bot! 

Page routes to https://msha.ke/fundamentals#links an Promi website base that engages with more acts and activity! Page that can be found were Promi Logo is engageable.
Page routes to https://msha.ke/fundamentals#links an Promi website base that engages with more acts and activity! Page that can be found were Promi Logo is engageable.

Browse amongst Promi Cloud, World tab!

When contacting with 

downloaded image of Promi

Block User Digital PB Card


•Promi Bot name

•Promi Bot Custom, (will include cereally alike).

•Cereally will be presented in PB Digital Card area

•Cereally featured in Promi user area's 

•If request Cereally will not be placed in Promi user area

-Cereally matching Bot is emailed to recipient 

-Bot image is customized to desired custom

-Also Promi Bot present on PB Digital User Card